December 2021

We all have experienced very interesting times over the past 12 months or so. The effects of a global pandemic, uncertainty for many for their employment futures, all sorts of shenanighans in domestic politics and perhaps more importantly for many, several and varied changes in Australia’s financial services legislation and investments environments.
However, history has shown that every period of disruption no matter how severe, has been followed by a period of recovery.  Recoveries might restore some of the normality we all knew but they also bring new circumstances, environments, economic changes and hence opportunities for those willing to grasp them. At Moneta Super, we intend to make the most of opportunities that arise for SMSFs.


We wish you and your families all the best for the future.  Have a happy and safe Christmas and we wish you a prosperous New Year.
Christmas Symbols and Traditions- BELLS




There are always changes in legislation, policies and practices.  Here we mention just two that will require further actions or explanations in the new year.
  • Director Identification.  There is now a requirement for directiors of companies to undertake an identification process and to have a single ID for all their entities.  More about that in 2020 although your personal or business accountant may have started action already.  
  • Changes in arrangements for superannuation during divorce. From 1 April 2022, a party to family law property proceedings can apply to the court to request information about the identity and value of their former partner’s superannuation assets from the ATO.
We will have more about these changes in the New Year but feel free to call us in the meantime if you want further information for your circumstances.


Christmas/New Year Office Hours

Our office will be closed from 5.00pm 23rd December 2021 and re-open at 9:00am on 12th January.

For any urgent enquiries during that period please email us as follows:

  • Monica Wang –
  • Chris Heyworth –
  • Russell Warmington –
  • Ken Maher –


Staff Changes

Monica Wang

Monica joined us in July this year as the Manager – SMSF Specialist Services replacing Ashok Tulsiani.
We are very happy to report that Monica has exceeded our expectations.  She has an excellent work ethic, much enthusiasm and energy not only to maintain our current service standards but to make relevant improvements, particularly in the use of technology for records management and client communications.
On top of a a very busy workload, Monica has recently successfully undertaken studies with Curtin University to complete her requirements for registration as a  Registered Tax Agent. Her registration should be completed soon.
Monica is looking forward to 2022 delivering and enhancing the Moneta Super services..

Barbara Gough

After 15 years providing valuable services to our clients Barbara has decided it is time to move on and will leave Moneta Super on 15th December.
Barbara is known to most, if not all, our clients and is appreciated for the superb level of services she has cconsistently provided during her time with us.  I know that all our client will join us in expressing our appreciation for her services and to wish her well in he
r future. 

Antra Pushpin

We are very pleased to advise that we have appointed Antra as our new SMSF Accountant starting on 12th January 2022.
Antra is a recent post-graduate from the University of Melbourne. Having completed internships over several years Antra is looking forward to continuing her career with Moneta Super and  specialising in superannuation.
She impressed us with her passion to excel in the accounting field and her enthusiasm for the superannuation sector.  She has a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance) from Stella Maris College, India and a Master of Management (Accounting & Finance) from Melbourne University. She is currently undertaking the CPA professional programme and other studies to specialise in SMSF Accounting. In addition, she has engaged in volunteer work as a  students’ mentor.
We have no doubt that she and Monica will combine extremely well to continue providing a high level of services.


Looking forward to 2022

The past year has been very interesting in many ways. The Pandemic has provided opportunities to investigate alternative ways of service delivery and client communications. We have expanded the use of electronic document delivery and signatures as well as conducting meetings with clients and others by video technologies.

We have also trialled conducting presentations on technical matters and with funds managers using Zoom. The feedback has been very positive.

We have identified several projects for Moneta Super, all with the object of delivering services more efficiently and effectively as well as communicating with trustees to provide knowledge of the changing compliance requirements. There are strategies and other facets of SMSFs that are not widely used and could be beneficial for SMSF trustees and members – we look forward to communicating on such matters in 2022.

As they say in the classics – Watch This Space!

Best regards,

Ken Maher
Moneta Super




Moneta Super is a privately owned and independent Self-Managed Superannuation Fund administration service  located in Camberwell, Victoria. Information about its owners can be read here.
It is independent as it has no form of ownership, sponsorship or other arrangements with other businesses or organizations. It has no contractual arrangements with other individuals, companies or other organizations, nor contractual arrangements with other organizations that can limit its independence.
Moneta Super does not have an Australian Financial Services Licence and therefore it cannot advise on the suitability of SMSFs for customers nor can it advise on the suitability of any strategies that might be beneficial for trustees and members. However, it can inform trustees about strategies that may be possible but stresses that trustees should seek the advice of a properly qualified and licenced Financial Planner before making any decisions of this nature.