To manage their funds efficiently and with maximum benefit, SMSF Trustees would profit from engaging with a specialist with access to qualified and experienced professional partners:
- SMSF administrators and specialist strategists,
- Visionary financial planners and investment advisers,
- Progressive accountants,
- ASIC approved SMSF auditors,
- Specialist SMSF lawyers,
- Independent mortgage and finance brokers.
- Actuaries.
to name a few.
SMSFs are complex business. Trustees and non-specialists may not be aware of the untapped capabilities of SMSFs (and hence, value) in a number of areas including:
- Family succession planning (including blended families).
- Provision for vulnerable dependents.
- Practical multi-generational SMSF use.
- Effective and tailored tax planning.
We want to provide the best possible high-level services to trustees by forming relationships with likeminded professionals. Specifically, we want to do this for two purposes:
- To provide our own comprehensive administration services and strategy knowledge and by having access to exceptional professional services outside our skill set.
- To grow Moneta Super as a high-level SMSF consulting and administration business that adds considerable value to trustees and its professional partners.
Five reasons to work with Moneta Super. We provide superior strategy and administration services. Our offer includes:
- Technical and strategy knowledge to our partners and to trustees.
- Absolute respect for your client relationships.
- Keeping you up to date on important changes or opportunities in your clients’ SMSFs.
- Our specialist accountants are actively supported by owners who are very experienced in business and particularly in financial services.
- Keeping records continually up to date by actioning documents and events as they occur rather than waiting to ‘end of year’. This ensures that opportunities are recognized and potential problems averted..
We know that many SMSF trustees could benefit from having a broad range of services available to them. We want to make that happen with other professionals.
Interested? Please call Russell on 0417 389 483 or Ken on 0419 363 701. Or, complete the form below…